The Tempest: Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment – Sam Wanamaker Playhouse

“a virtuoso element which was beautifully realised by Boden.” Planet Hughill, 26 January 2015 “tenor Samuel Boden being outstanding” The Independent, 26 January 2015 “Samuel Boden sang ‘Arise ye subterranean winds’ which [has] a slightly awkward melody, but with quite a virtuoso element which was beautifully realised by Boden.” “Boden showing a mellifluous lyric tenor voice and excelling at the elaborate ornamentation of the songs” Planet Hugill, 25 January 2015

Bach: St Matthew Passion – Ex Cathedra

“Two outstanding soloists in particular raised the level of performance… Boden’s contribution…was easily the best of the entire performance. Boden’s vocal strength across the whole tenor register with a resonant top and firm bottom equipped him well for his aria, the rhythmic nightmare “Geduld, wenn mich falchen Zungen stechen” (“Endure through lies and taunts and slander”), and his performance, the most dramatically convincing, was in his eyes as much as in his voice.” Bachtrack, 2nd April 2013