‘An Ode on the Death of Mr Henry Purcell’ on BBC R3

Following the release of Arcangelo’s latest CD ‘John Blow (1649-1708) – An Ode on the Death of Mr Henry Purcell & other works‘ it has been featured as Disc of the Week on Andrew McGregor’s Record Review programme on BBC Radio 3. The original broadcast took place on 21st October 2017 but is available on iPlayer until 30th December 2017.

London Performances – Tickets on Sale

Following a busy year of touring I am looking forward to working on a few projects in London: Early Opera Company | Wigmore Hall | 8th December 2017 A festive concert featuring three of Charpentier’s most popular works. Tickets on sale via the Wigmore Hall website. Arcangelo | Wigmore Hall | 31st December 2017 Marking the countdown to the New Year with celebratory odes for St Cecilia’s Day – Henry Purcell’s Welcome to all the Pleasures of 1683 and John Blow’s Begin the Song of 1684 – and two rousing Gloria settings. Tickets on sale via the Wigmore Hall website. The...

John Blow – An Ode on the Death of Mr Henry Purcell & other works

I am pleased to share the release date of a new Arcangelo CD recording to which I contributed: John Blow (1649-1708) – An Ode on the Death of Mr Henry Purcell & other works.  It is one of the few occasions when the Ode has been recorded with two high tenors, as Purcell had originally intended, rather than with countertenors, as is more common today.  We performed this wonderful and unique piece as part of the Les Arts Florissants’ “Dans Les Jardins de William Christie” festival in Thiré, France in 2014. Directed by Jonathan Cohen, with Thomas Walker and myself...

Live Broadcast of Monteverdi’s ‘Vespers’

Following ten days in Italy with Collegium Vocale Gent to give two performances and make a recording of Monteverdi’s ‘Vespers’ we have today travelled to Poland and will give another performance of the piece this evening at the Warsaw Philharmonic Concert Hall. There will be a live broadcast of this concert which starts at 20:30 BST for those who would like to listen online.  

UK Concerts with Academy of Ancient Music

I am pleased to be working on home soil with the Academy of Ancient Music this week, in a programme entitled “Bach Reconstructed” which explores musical recycling – one of Bach’s creative processes. Tickets are available for tonight’s concert in Cambridge (West Road Concert Hall) and Friday’s concert in London (Milton Court Concert Hall).